05 August 2014

We´re back / De vuelta

We have been very busy during July and I have lots of things and recipes to share but let´s start at the beginning. 

El mes de julio ha sido ajetreado y tengo muchas cosas y recetas que compartir pero empecemos por el principio.

 As I told you on my last post we went to Fuerteventura, we enjoyed our stay a lot, disconnected and did many different activities, overall Erin who you could see playing paddle, darts, ping-pong, waterpolo, zumba and every single game it was organised... ;D

Disfrutamos muchísimo de nuestro viaje a Fuerteventura, desconectados y haciendo actividades, sobre todo Erin, que se apuntó a paddle, dardos, ping-pong, waterpolo, natación, zumba y un largo etc...

                                                                         Erin and dad.  
                                                                          Erin y papi.

 Me, full of energy after a yoga session.
Aquí estoy yo, enérgica después de una sesión de yoga.

 Erin pretending synchronized swimming ;D.
Erin haciendo "natación sincronizada" ;D.

and Erin with her sand turtle...
y Erin con su tortuga de arena...

 And, a squirrel! Squirrels aren´t dwellers of the Canary Islands. Somebody brought a pair a time ago to Fuerteventura and now there are hundreds of them nearby the beaches of the island. They are very sweet and are eager to receive nuts from the tourists.

¿Y éstoooo? ¡Una ardilla! No sería raro si no fuera porque en las Islas Canarias no viven ardillas. Alguien trajo un par a Fuerteventura hace un tiempo y ahora hay cientos de ellas saltando y corriendo por las playas de la isla esperando a recibir nueces de los turistas. La verdad es que son una monada.

The hotel offers vegetarian menu, but it was more "ovo-lacteo vegetarian". But they were pleased to prepare vegan options for guests. This a small example, there was plenty of delicious veggie meals.

El hotel ofrece menu vegetariano en su buffet pero estaba más dirigido a ovo-lácteo vegetarianos. En cualquier caso están encantados de preparar platos veganos a los clientes que los solicitan. Este es un pequeño ejemplo pero había muchísimas delicias para degustar.

And lots of fresh fruits.
Y fruta fresca a tutiplén.

 The recipe I want to share with you today is:  
spinach and mushrooms parcels.

La receta que quiero compartir hoy con ustedes es:  
paquetitos de espinacas y champiñones.

Try to buy fresh and local products as possible, avoid those veggies in plastic bags that have travelled around the world before arriving to the supermarket...

Intenten comprar productos frescos y locales siempre que les sea posible, evitando las verduras en bolsas de plástico que hayan recorrido medio mundo antes de llegar al supermercado...

175 gr. fresh spinach, chopped
225 gr. mushrooms, sliced
1 red onion, sliced
2 garlic cloves, mashed
3 tbsp. olive oil
6 tbsp. soy cream
1 tsp. ground nutmeg
250 gr. puff pastry
2 tbsp. soy milk
salt & pepper
1/2 tbsp. poppy seeds

1. Preheat the oven at 200ºC, 400 F, Gas 6.
2. Heat the olive oil in a skillet and cook the onion and garlic until tender.
3. Add the spinach, mushrooms and nutmeg to the skillet and stir fry during five minutes.
4. Add the soy cream and mix well.
5. Season to taste and remove from heat.
6. Make 15 cm. (6 inch) circles from the puff pastry (you will get 5 or 6 circles).
7. Stuff each circle with the mix leaving one side free, close the parcels pressing well and brush tem with soy milk.
8. Sprinkle the poppy seeds over the parcels.
9. Place the parcels in an oven tin using oven paper.
10. Bake for 20 minutes or untl the parcels are lightly browned.

Hope you like it!!!




Paquetitos de hojaldre rellenos de espinacas y champiñones

175 gr. de espinacas frescas cortadas en trozos
225 gr. de champiñones laminados
1 cebolla roja mediana cortada en rodajas
2 dientes de ajo majados
3 cucharadas de aceite de oliva
6 cucharadas de nata de soja
una cucharadita de nuez moscada
250 gr. de hojaldre
2 cucharadas de leche de soja
sal y pimienta
semillas de amapola

1. Precalentar el horno a 200ºC, 400 F, Gas 6.
2. Calentar el aceite en una sartén y saltear la cebolla y el ajo hasta que la cebolla esté tierna.
3. Añadir las espinacas, los champiñones y la nuez moscada, rehogar durante 5 minutos.
4. Añadir la nata y mezclar bien.
5. Salpimentar y retirar del fuego.
6. Recortar 5/6 círculos de 15 cm. (6 pulgadas) de diámetro de hojaldre.
7. Poner relleno en un lado de cada uno de los círculos de hojaldre, cerrarlos presionando bien y pintarlos con la leche de soja.
8. Espolvorear las semillas de amapola sobre los paquetitos.
9. Colocar los paquetitos de hojaldre en un recipiente de horno o sobre la bandeja de horno usando papel de hornear.
10. Dejar horneando durante 20 minutos o hasta que estén dorados. 

Espero que lo disfruten



1 comment:

  1. Looks like a beautiful beach (and fun vacation!) You'd never find a beach that empty over here, I don't think, except maybe very early in the morning or on a rainy day! I love Erin's sand turtle. :-) Your little squirrel looks like a large chipmunk, or what is sometimes called a "ground squirrel" over here. Chipmunks in particular are very friendly. We had an especially friendly one who lived on our farm in Maine - Mom named her Bertha, and she would come up on our porch or deck and eat sunflower seeds from our hand. After a while, she started coming when we called her, and one day my mom stood with the door open, calling to Bertha, and before she knew it Bertha had come running - and ran right past her into the house! LOL!

    The food looks yummy, especially the ones in the upper left and lower right photos! (Are those mushrooms in that last one? YUM!) And oh the fresh fruit!!! I'd be stuffing myself full of those yummy goodies! And of course your food always looks delicious!
